Thursday, March 26, 2015

Life through 5th grade eyes

I can't believe it, but my time as a student teacher is almost over. In a few short weeks, I'll be saying goodbye to my 75 fifth graders.
75 fifth graders who have stolen my heart. 
75 fifth graders who became "my kids".
75 fifth graders who kept me up at night. 
75 fifth graders who made me cry. 

75 fifth graders who made me laugh. 
75 fifth graders who made me mad.
75 fifth graders whose hugs I cherished.
75 fifth graders who I pray for. 

75 fifth graders who mocked my voice, my  hair, my handwriting, my clothes, and the way I sing.
75 fifth graders who told me I was their "best friend", "favorite teacher", "funniest teacher" and the "most beautiful person". 
75 fifth graders who cried when Zayn left One Direction, laughed when I sang High School Musical, danced to dividing fractions songs, and who lost and gained points. 
75 fifth graders who hated me and loved me. 
75 fifth graders who taught me how to be a teacher, a mother, and a friend. 
75 fifth graders who have gone through more than I'll ever go through.
75 fifth graders who didn't always eat breakfast, wash their hair, or do their homework.
75 fifth graders who cried because their friends were making fun of them.

75 fifth graders who think that saying "21" in an annoying voice is comedy gold. (it's from vine?)
75 fifth graders who love coming to school.
75 fifth graders who hate coming to school. 
75 fifth graders who got 100's on my tests...and 75 fifth graders who got 50's. 
75 fifth graders who told me their secrets. 

75 fifth graders who learned from me, even if it had nothing to do with school.
75 fifth graders who think Taylor Swift is the best singer and songwriter in the world. (me too). 
75 fifth graders who have never seen The Sound of Music, listened to the Beatles, or had a green smoothie before I recommended them.75 fifth graders who I can't imagine not knowing and not seeing every day. 

75 fifth graders who changed my entire life.
75 fifth graders who I am better because of. 
I love all 75 of you. You'll be with me forever. 

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